?As odd as it sounds, 36-year-old Trent Arsenault is father to 14 children and is still a virgin. He donates his sperm to families desperate for children and advertises his family's medical history online, offering his sperm for free. However, Arsenault is currently fighting a legal battle with the FDA, saying that he should not be allowed to donate sperm without proper blood tests.
So why is he a father and still a virgin? It turns out that Arsenault's sexual drive is different from that of many other people. He calls himself a 'donor sexual', stating that his sexual energy goes into producing sperm for couples without children. Footage of him engaging in the process of sperm donation has surfaced the internet on porn sites, but Arsenault denies it being any sort of porn, saying simply that he is documenting the process of sperm donation.
Many people are opposed to Arsenault's practice being shut down. While some believe it is not right for him to be donating his sperm, others look at him at as an individual rather than a sperm bank, saying that there is no difference than if he was actually having sex with these women. Since he is a virgin, he is not at risk of HIV and other STDs, which is what the blood tests are usually for. Although the idea of a father of 14 still being a virgin sounds unlikely, it is real life to Trent Arsenault, who may end up being the 40-year-old with over 15 children.