Become A Sperm Donor?Sperm donation may seem like a strange or even laughable proposition for many people. The idea of donating sperm can bring to mind desperate or even ...
New Movie Increases Sperm Donations?It is estimated that nearly six percent of men have a fertility problem. Ninety-percent of male infertility cases can be attributed to low sperm ...
Sperm Donation Can Help Start A Family?Sperm donation may seem like a strange or even laughable proposition for many people. The idea of donating sperm can bring to mind desperate or even ...
Look Online For Sperm?Everyone knows it, but not everyone wants to admit it: relationships are hard, sometimes even impossible, and not everyone has the time or patience ...
Tradegic End to Sperm Donation?A Texas couple has filed a lawsuit against a New England sperm bank because their child was born with cystic ...
U.S Sperm Export Soar?There's a rising star in flagging U.S. exports, but it's not likely to receive the attention of either political ...
Father of 14 is a virgin?As odd as it sounds, 36-year-old Trent Arsenault is father to 14 children and is still a virgin. He donates his sperm to families desperate for ...
New Infertile Findings?the laboratory capable of producing sperm. Using stem cells and tissue from the male donor, Turek believes it is possible to fashion an artificial ...
How does Sperm Die?There are conditions that can warrant sperm's existence or survival. Upon ejaculation, there are about hundreds of million sperm and some survive ...