Man Fathers 82 Children?A few months ago there were reports of a man who had fathered 14 children by donating sperm to a sperm ...
New Study Cell Phones Damage Sperm?Is your cell on a belt loop or in the hip pocket?There's a valid reason for asking this question. It might sound a bit far-fetched, but gentlemen, ...
Both Partners Should Know The Ovulation Calendar?Whether you and your partner are trying to get pregnant or trying to avoid a pregnancy, an ovulation calendar is a valuable tool to make plan your ...
Frozen Sperm from Ill Patients Destroyed?Three men filed a motion to inspect Northwestern Memorial Hospital’s cryopreservation system after a system failure destroyed their ...
Sperm Quality Matters?Many men don't consider the quality of their sperm before they try to conceive a child. However, men your qualit of sperm matters when you are ...
Sperm Analysis And What It Tells You?When a couple is unable to conceive a child or a man has undergone a vasectomy or a reversal of a vasectomy, a semen analysis test is generally ...
Go Nuts Sperm Quality Improved with Walnuts?Fertility studies have often held their primary focus on the best pre-conception diets for women and ignoring the pre-conception eating habits of ...
How does Sperm Die?There are conditions that can warrant sperm's existence or survival. Upon ejaculation, there are about hundreds of million sperm and some survive ...
Sperm Court Rulings Controversial?The brave new world of infertility treatments have pushed the limits of parenthood in unimaginable ways, including the possibility of fathering ...