?When a couple is unable to conceive a child or a man has undergone a vasectomy or a reversal of a vasectomy, a semen analysis test is generally ordered by his doctor. A semen analysis test is a measurement of the amount of semen produced by a man, and the same sample can also tell a doctor how many sperm are in the sample and how mobile they are.
In cases of infertility, the semen analysis is generally the very first test performed in order to see why a couple cannot conceive. In cases of a vasectomy, the test is generally ordered to see if the initial procedure, or a reversal, have been successful. A single sample can be tested for volume of sperm, time taken to liquify, number of sperm per ejaculation, shape of sperm, movement of sperm, acidity or alkalinity of semen, blood cell count and sugar in the semen.
When measuring volume, a semen analysis can tell a doctor whether or not a man's sperm count is high or low. Low sperm count can cause problems with fertility, but does not necessarily mean a man is infertile. A liquification time of more than 30 minutes can be a sign of an infection, as is a high number of white blood cells present in the semen. A large number of abnormally shaped sperm can also indicate a problem with a man's fertility. As for sperm movement, if a high number are unable to move forward appropriately it may also be an indicator of fertility issues.
The pH level of a semen sample is tested to determine the health of the sperm inside. A high pH level in semen indicates problems with a man's fertility since sperm are less likely to survive, much less move forward normally or reach the egg in order to fertilize.
A simple semen sample can tell a doctor many things about a man's health, and especially about his fertility. The samples rarely take long to give, and results are generally available within a matter of hours or a single day.