What does healthy sperm mean?
The health of a man’s sperm is determined by quantity, quality and motility. Researchers have found that a fertile man will release at least 39 million sperm in a single ejaculation. A man’s sperm also has to be of good quality. This means that at least four percent of the sperm are of normal shape and structure. Additionally, the sperm also has to be motile or able to “swim” so that it can reach the egg.
Is there a correlation between a healthy man and a healthy sperm?
There is a correlation between a healthy man and healthy sperm. A man is much more likely to have viable sperm if his overall health is good.
If you are active are you more likely to have active sperm?
Physical activity can increase the quantity and quality of the sperm as well as improve its motility. Exercise helps improve overall reproductive health. It also helps produce weight loss. Being overweight can cause a man’s sperm count to drop and/or increase the percentage of abnormal sperm. Losing weight can help correct those problems by balancing out the hormones.
What do you need to know about your sperm?
*You produce millions of them every day, while a woman only produces one egg per month.
*You can increase the health of your sperm by eating a diet rich in fruits and vegetables.
*Spending a lot of time in a hot bathtub can decrease your sperm count
*The motility and quantity of your sperm decreases as you get older
*Certain medications affect your sperm
*If you and your partner are trying to conceive, you should not use lubricants during sex because they decrease the motility of the sperm
*You should also steer clear of illicit drugs and alcohol if you are trying to get your partner pregnant.